As a European IŽd Like to Teach the World |
Comments on the photos of Selly Park All 5 photographs were taken within a 2km radius of the school - very local and no photos from the city centre which we did not feel was part of our neighbourhood. 1. A row of terraced houses (a long row of small houses) built about 120 years ago complete with a 'corner shop' - this shop is open long hours and sells basic foods, newspapers and so on.. Many of our students live in this type of house - old, small houses but at a greater distance from the school. This pic was taken about 200m from school. 2. The woods / trees - we wanted to show that even in a big industrial city like Birmingham, that there are green open spaces and areas of woodland. I took this photo on a lovely sunny morning in November. This pic was taken about 1km from school - the woodland is reached by a path from a busy road. Many/most of our students would not even know the woodland is there which is a great pity. We thought that it was important not to just concentrate on the built environment but on the neighbourhood as a whole. 3. Shops in Bournville - pic taken 2km from school. Bournville is the home of the Cadbury chocolate making factory - George Cadbury had the factory built and opened in 1879 - it was originally called a 'factory in a garden'. The family were members of the Quaker religion and they looked after their workers - good quality houses were built, schools, sports facilities and these shops. Bournville is like a small village within the city - houses there are very expensive. These buildings are not typical by any means but show the contrasts to be found within the city of Birmingham. 4. Shops on the main road - pic taken 1 km from school. If the Bournville shops are the good and attractive - these are very much the bad. The main road (Selly Park Technology College is situated on this road about 1 km closer to the city centre). Many of these buildings were originally built as houses which were later converted into shops. Now many of the shops are closed and derelict - others are very cheap shops or are food take-away-shops. These shops cannot compete with local supermarkets, they have no parking spaces and so many have been forced to close. The current financial situation has resulted in other shops closing - it is all very depressing. 5. A derelict shop/building right outside school - you can see our new sports hall in the background. The local residents and the school want this building demolished - it is not used and it is ugly. When the Selly Park Sports Hall was built, there were plans to demolish this building but the legal department of the city could not find our who owns the building and so it could not be demolished. We say that it is an 'eyesore' or a blot on the landscape. Mike |