As a European I´d Like to Teach the World |
Comments on the photos of Spain The ugly picture shows a rubbish container surrounded by torn bags. Sometimes (not often luckily) that happens because people do not open the container maybe because they can’t (if they are elderly people) or because they don’t care. What happens to these bags is that dogs tear them looking for something to eat. The situation gets worse during warm weather because the smell is really disgusting. So the headline could be “Shouldn’t we think about the people around us? Isn’t it inconsiderate of us to leave your rubbish bag on the pavement?” Then you have the picture with the containers to recycle plastic, and paper (we also have green containers to recycle glass). We follow the European directives on recycling and there are a lot of campaigns to encourage people to recycle. We can also call a phone number to arrange on the proper time and place where we can leave electrical appliances or pieces of furniture to be taken, we have especial bins for batteries and a few ones (10 in the city) to recycle lamps like fluorescent tubes. Another picture corresponds to the newest bridge in Murcia. It is a footbridge that connects the area called “El Carmen” with the city center. The Segura river crosses the city and there are 4 more bridges. The river is really nice in its source at 1400 metres above the sea level in a nearby province. For decades it has been a polluted, smelly river due to the dumpings of the factories along its banks. Now the authorities are more and more aware of the need to keep it clean. The footbridge has also given us another view of the city hall and the cathedral. In another picture you can see on the left hand side of the photo the remainings of the arab wall that used to surround the city from the XI century to the XIII century. Next to it there is a modern building with traces of vandalism that only make that small corner worse. However, I must tell you that there are really nice graffiti on some other places of the city. Graffiti, vandalism or art? Finally there is a photo of a small park in the neighbourhood. We don’t have big parks in Murcia, but we have some small ones. We have a serious shortage of water in our region and therefore we cannot use drinkable water to water parks, but we manage to have nice green areas with plants that do not need a lot of water but that give us a nice shade in the spring and the summer that are so hot and long in our region. Begoña