As a European I´d Like to Teach the World |
Comments on the photos of Poland My Neigbourhood. Historic achitecture versus modern architecture ideas. The photo shows Castle of Pomeranian Dukes which is situated in the centre of Szczecin. It is surrounded by houses built after World War II. Near the castle there are modern architectural elements implemented into one of the city`s most important historical part. There is a mast from a huge 20th –century Polish ship reminding people coming to Szczecin of the maritime character of the city . How to help cyclists...? This photo was taken a short distance from our school – about 500 metres.There is a path for cyclists but not many people have ridden on a bike there because it suddenly ends .They are likely to choose to ride along the road lane. Probably there was a shortage of money to complete the path. It seems nobody cares about it. It doesn`t look extraordinary. Is Graffiti art? This is a controversial question . For some people the pictures might look attractive colourful or practical (they may cover some ugly spots ). For others graffiti inteferes the order of a city. Seven Coats` Tower – how to make it useful... Some old historical bulidings are devoted to visitors but some need to be useful. The red brick tower near the castle houses an estate agent`s . Lots of people find this fact a waste of an ancient monument. They would prefer a museum or an art gallery there. The title of the photo is rather ironical. View out of my window This pic was taken by a boy who takes photos of the same place every season of a year and compares them . He lives fairly close to school and the buildings you can see are common in this area. Our school is located in quite an old part of Szczecin where architects didn`t predict the number of cars people drive nowadays. That`s the reason why people can`t find a car park easily. They leave their cars wherever they find some space. Ela