As a European IŽd Like to Teach the World


Comments on the  photos of Thuin

What is typical of our city is that we are along a river, the Sambre.... so we have a lower part and a higher part in the city, our school is 'on the top' of course
(beffroi- 1st picture) , some of the important buildings of the city are been renovated thanks to European funding... that's the case with our Belfry (if you want more info about this building, just ask...).
 Now from the Belfry, if you want to walk down to the 'lower part of the city', the most typical is to walk through the 'postys' (ancient doors/ porches) our city dates back to the Middle Ages (Posty Bury) or use our narrow streets(3rd picture)... which might be a handicap for the future.... riding a lorry in our city is a real challenge and really harms the evironment and our buildings, our railway station is said to be the ugliest of Belgium (4th picture), but we are surrounded by nature and green (positive... but how to keep it?)...(last picture)





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