As a European I´d Like to Teach the World |
This is the website of the multilateral Comenius Project “As a European I’d Like to Teach the World” |
Taking into account the interests of students and teachers in their communities, our project involves a range of subjects that work together promoting innovative and collaborative teaching methods. It promotes language development in the communities using ICT as a means of work and communication, and enhances motivation to learn among the students. 'As a European I Want to Teach the World...' focuses on social competences, cultural diversity, improvement of reading and writing skills, innovation, creativity and sustainable development. Project content includes: Introducing our country (community-school- city- region) Sustainable developments Sharing values (tolerance, respect, equality, solidarity, cohesion, friendship, love, etc) Everyday life and free time Overall aim of the project is to be aware of the diversity of European cultures and languages and to help our students acquire the key competences they will need in their future as European citizens. By doing this, we want to improve the quality of education in its widest sense whilst contributing to raising educational standards within the partnership schools. This will be achieved by creating a variety of experiences that will enhance enrichment through cultural exchange and innovative and attractive ways to learn.
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