(Jake Haynes went to Spain on mobility and hosted Alex from Spain)

I had no idea just how much we, as a family, would gain from the project. My son has enjoyed every second.

We, as a family, have love acting as hosts and it is amazing how quickly your host child becomes like family.

It is an amazing experience and one I would whole heartedly recommend. It has not only given Jake a completely different level of independence, but me as a mother, it has shown me that although it is a big scary world, it is one that should be explored.

Jake is very keen to travel again and we hope to have Alex (Spanish student) stay with us again. I cannot thank you enough for the experience. It is such a fantastic experience.

I feel it also allows the pupils to see their teacher in a more personal and human light. Jake has the most respect for the staff he travelled with.

Jake keeps in touch with friends made in Spain via Facebook and I have seen him grow so much more responsibly and maturity as a result of the trip.

I enjoyed having an extra child and was sad to see Alex leave.

Thank you so much for the honour.
